Hey my name is Jessica, but most people call me Jessie...so I guess that’s the name we’ll roll with. Right now, I’m sitting on my sister’s bed writing my first ever “blog post” and it is currently a busy Friday night and I’m suppose to be studying for my very important tests but... never mind that. So let me tell you a little about myself. I am currently fifteen years old, my birthday is October 9, 2002, I stand at a whopping 5 ‘2, I am Taiwanese-Canadian and well, scratch away all that….I’m just like you. Yes, I know that I may not be able to relate with all your daily problems and challenges but hopefully (cross my fingers) if even one post can reach out and help you understand that you are not alone or motivate you to become a better and happier person, then that will be the biggest reward out there for me.
Psst...also, I want to let you in on a little secret. This blog isn’t just a place to bring joy and motivation into your lives but this is my journey. Everyday I am growing and listening and absorbing the lessons and mistakes that have made me who I am. The pictures posted will be comprised of things that make me happy, my hobbies, foods that make my mouth water and so much more. And obviously I won’t be writing like a wise old person who knows the ins and outs of philosophy but I’ll just go with the flow and stick to my style of writing like a fifteen year old teenage girl; one who is probably going to ramble or rant and inspire and hopefully within that jumble of utter nonsense, you will find a diamond in the oceans of letters and discover the meaning behind my stories.
Well, hopefully you know me just a tinsy bit better than when you first clicked onto this site but don’t worry, you will soon discover all the facets of my life. I would say that you are basically scrolling through the thoughts and trinkets of my mind and everything you will be reading is raw and real to how I was currently feeling or discovering at the time. And to be honest, I don’t have this blog all planned out, I don’t even know the topic of my first post yet but…..that’s okay. This will be an adventure and a journey where I can’t see the end of the road because you know, that is reality. I don’t know what my life will be like in 5 years,10 years, 50 years, hell I don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But I’m okay with that because that is what makes life exciting and yeah I know, sometimes it actually makes life really difficult but I will learn and this place, this virtual mind palace is going to be scrapbook of my struggles, my insights and at times, the spikes of joyful things that spring into my life.
Whooo...well that was hella deep and sentimental...and this is just the first post. Don’t worry :) there will be plenty of that to come later. But right now, just sit back, relax, grab a snack and enjoy the aesthetic of this blog because my sister Jasmine created this entire blog site from scratch using her super awesome ,mind-blowing coding skills. So let’s just all take a moment and be amazed. (1 hour later) Right? I know, it looks...how should I describe it… maybe stunning or jaw-dropping, or maybe mind-boggling...I don’t know, I can’t really choose.
Anyways, I hope this blog ultimately brings happiness and good vibes into your life no matter what life throws at you. Now, after a really long introduction… I can finally say this: Please enjoy :)